St Pete Healthy News

November 2015

Are you getting enough exercise? Adults need recess too and with a little creativity and planning, even a person with the busy schedule can make room for physical activity. For many folks, before or after work is often an available time to cycle, walk, or play.Think about your weekly or daily schedule and look for opportunities to be more active- every little bit helps. Mix it up! It's good to vary your activities. Choose from aerobic, strength, and flexibility activities to

Inspired by the USDA’s “Ten Tips to Make your Holiday Healthy” #1. Colorful meals make healthy meals! Not only does the array of colors look appealing, eating a rainbow of colors ensures we are getting a variety of nutrients. A colorful recipe from the UF IFAS Family Nutrition Program (FNP) “Cooking Matters” course is the Veggie Wrap. Thinly shredded veggies like radishes, bell peppers, carrots, lemon zest, greens, and fresh herbs like cilantro are layered on top of a whole-wheat tortilla