St Pete Healthy News

Mental Health

By: Mallory Carteaux, M.S., is an exercise physiologist with Fit4Allkids, a healthy lifestyle program of Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital. Reading and watching negative events in the news can lead to stress and anxiety for adults and kids alike. Fortunately, by working to become more mindful, you can learn to recognize how you are feeling and approach these situations with a positive outlook. These mindfulness strategies for your entire family take only a few minutes to practice and can have a

Do you feel aches and pains in your body when stressed or anxious? The body often responds to stress and anxiety with muscle tension. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a helpful method for relieving this tension and managing stress. So, what is PMR? PMR is the practice of tensing “a group of muscle as you breathe in and relax them as you breathe out,” according to the University of Michigan’s Michigan Medicine. The method focuses on working different muscle groups. Practice makes

Healthy St. Pete’s new Healthier Together Initiative launched in October 2019 to help engage and elevating health and wellness among community partners and residents.  There are three phases of the Healthier Together Initiative: Phase One: Healthier Together Ambassadors— Ambassadors are stakeholders in specific wellness related industries, such as nutrition, mental health, environmental health, fitness, financial health and children’s health, and lend their subject matter expertise to elevate various health topics. Six ambassadors are featured each quarter. They address issues in their industry

NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CITY OF ST. PETERSBURG Parks and Recreation Department   Healthy St. Pete Launches Healthier Together, Healthy St. Pete Ambassador Programs   St. Petersburg, FL (October 2019) – On Tuesday, October 8, Healthy St. Pete will launch the Healthier Together and the Community Ambassador Program, giving voice to community leaders and providing a new way for community members to interact.   Healthy St. Pete, working towards a culture of health, has created the Healthier Together Initiative. Healthier Together aims to begin conversations with local health

By: Jenny Miller Owner, The Body Electric Yoga Company Healthy St. Pete Ambassador - October   I see people getting frustrated in my hot classes. They look around the room, like, did she seriously just ask us to do that? Or, it’s too hot in here, right? I understand, because finding that sweet spot between effort and ease is hard for me, too. In yoga we try to balance sthira and sukha; we are firm and resolute in our muscles and minds, but happy

By: The Drs. Wojnowich City of St. Petersburg Wellness Clinic I am certain that through the Healthy St. Pete forum you have and will continue to learn plenty about the benefits of healthy eating and physical activity. What may often be overlooked but is no less significant is the value of sleep to the vitality of our lives. In fact, we are such amazingly built organisms that even in our sleep we are capable of doing wonders for our own health and wellbeing. It is believed

We all know the basics of living healthy – eating right, exercise, getting enough sleep. But did you know that your social life is a critical part of your physical health? Researchers have shown that loneliness and isolation are as damaging to your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and is more dangerous that other risk factors such as obesity, www.campaigntoendloneliness.org. This isn’t about being an extroverted party animal; it’s about developing close friendships that you can rely upon.