Summer Week One – Scrub-a-dub-dub
Click here to view and print this activity sheet!
Intro to Healthy Kids at Home
UPDATE for 2021 Coming Soon - Click here for new programming and activity sheets! Healthy St. Pete is excited to expand its Healthy Kids program by bringing content and activities to community-based camps and families at home this summer. Each week, camp organizers and parents can log on to the Healthy St. Pete website and social media to learn about the theme and download materials. The themes will feature social emotional topics such as friendship, bravery, and confidence. Lesson plans will
Fresh Rec Stop Recipe: California Avocado Summer Wrap
This healthy chicken wrap is the perfect quick lunch for the summer! Mangoes and lime juice give this California wrap a little Florida flavor. Easy enough to prepare, try making it with kids at home or at camp. Click here to download the recipe. Try it at home and click here to join our Healthy St. Pete Facebook group for more healthy news and tips. Use #HealthyStPete on Instagram and follow @StPeteParksRec. Want to learn more about the Fresh Rec Stop program
Fresh Rec Stop: How to Keep Your Kitchen Clean
Have you ever wondered if you’re cleaning your kitchen correctly? Think about it: your kitchen sink and sponge do some of the dirtiest work in your house! You can prevent foodborne illnesses and germs from spreading by cleaning where you prepare and consume food regularly and taking proper food safety precautions. Here are some tips and tricks to keeping a clean kitchen: 1. Wash your hands before preparing any food, whether for yourself, your family, or guests. You should wash your
Healthier Together *VIRTUAL* Workshop
Healthy St. Pete is a City of St. Petersburg initiative led by the St. Petersburg Parks and Recreation Department. The mission of Healthy St. Pete is to build a culture of health in our city by making the healthy choice the easy choice through a collaborative community effort. We work to improve health outcomes, reduce health inequities, and strive to implement policies and programs that give all citizens the opportunity to reach and enjoy optimal health. Healthier Together aims to begin
Five Mindfullness Strategies to Help Your Family Cope with Anxiety
By: Mallory Carteaux, M.S., is an exercise physiologist with Fit4Allkids, a healthy lifestyle program of Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital. Reading and watching negative events in the news can lead to stress and anxiety for adults and kids alike. Fortunately, by working to become more mindful, you can learn to recognize how you are feeling and approach these situations with a positive outlook. These mindfulness strategies for your entire family take only a few minutes to practice and can have a
Relax. Refresh. Recharge using Progressive Muscle Relaxation.
Do you feel aches and pains in your body when stressed or anxious? The body often responds to stress and anxiety with muscle tension. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a helpful method for relieving this tension and managing stress. So, what is PMR? PMR is the practice of tensing “a group of muscle as you breathe in and relax them as you breathe out,” according to the University of Michigan’s Michigan Medicine. The method focuses on working different muscle groups. Practice makes
Fresh Rec Stop Recipe: Easy Vegetable Chow Mein
Check out this quick vegetable chow mein recipe you can easily make at home with just a few pantry staples. This healthy recipe is the perfect way to try something new with your spaghetti noodles and frozen vegetables. You don’t even need a full kitchen to make this delicious dish – see how we cooked our pasta in a rice cooker! Click here to download the recipe. Want to learn more about Fresh Rec Stop and our recipes? Click here to visit
Stuck inside? Six screen-free ways to keep your kids moving.
By: Mallory Carteaux, M.S., is an exercise physiologist with Fit4Allkids, a healthy lifestyle program of Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital. Keeping your kids active during their extended time out of school doesn't need to be a daunting task. Without access to recess, team sports or play dates, you can focus on keeping your child’s mind and body healthy by encouraging some at-home exercise and free playtime. Try incorporating some of these screen-free ideas into your family’s new routine: Don’t stay stuck. Go for a
Healthy Corridor Development: A Complete Streets Approach to 18th Avenue South Health Impact Assessment
In collaboration with the City’s Transportation and Economic and Workforce Development departments, Healthy St. Pete completed the City’s first Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in December 2019 on proposed complete streets modifications to 18th Avenue South. The HIA assesses the potential health impacts related to active transportation and physical activity in addition to the economic determinants of health, including evaluating the downstream health impacts of how Complete Streets could impact existing business, future development, and employment opportunities. The HIA report includes