Social Emotional Learning at Home
Social and emotional learning (SEL) enhances students’ ability to succeed at home and beyond by teaching them how to self-regulate their emotions, problem solve, make responsible decisions, maintain positive friendships, and more.
The Conflict Corner is a designated spot where children can visit and solve conflicts with another child. They realize they don’t need adults to solve everything. By giving children the tools they need to solve problems, this is great practice for the real world.
Healthy St. Pete’s HealthyKids program is offered at all eleven City of St. Petersburg Recreation Centers and will focus on resiliency and mental health in 2020.
The Conflict Corner
- Hands Out – Palms Facing Up
- Explain the Problem
- Listen to Each Other
- Brainstorm a Solution Together
- Shake Hands
- Give a Compliment
Communicate Clearly
Tell Them How You Feel